HIV Duo Combo Test ₹ 999
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HPV or human papilloma virus is a very common sexually transmitted infection. In men, the virus clears off from the body usually and there are no symptoms, too. However, in some cases, where the infection does not go away, the infected person may develop genital warts or cancers. HPV is transmitted through oral, vaginal and anal sex with an infected person , whether they have any symptoms of HPV or not. Close skin to skin contact can also transmit the virus. HPV test in men is usually not recommended. It may be done in some selected cases under the advice of a physician or if one wishes to volunteer for the test , for personal reasons.
HPV is Human Papilloma Virus. This is one of the most common sexually transmitted viral infections.
HPV may not show any symptoms in most men. The immune response of most healthy individuals is able to eliminate HPV infection. However, with additional risk factors like smoking, multiple partners, infection with high risk strains, comorbid conditions etc, HPV may persist. This may lead to cancers in the long term in a few individuals. HPV symptoms include warts, abnormal growths, lumps , sores etc. In men, these are usually found on penis, scrotum, anal region , mouth, throat etc
HPV can be transmitted in men, by vaginal, anal or oral sex with a partner who is infected with HPV HPV can also be transmitted by close skin to skin contact. A person with no visible signs or symptoms for HPV can also transmit the infection.
No. You must not stop the ART. Most of the times, body can clear off HPV on its own. However in few cases long standing HPV infection with high risk strains can lead to penile, anal or oral cancers.
CDC does not recommend routine testing/ screening for HPV in men. However, for men who have sex with men, the doctors may advise HPV testing with anal/ penile/ oral swabs. For non-binary persons with cervix, HPV screening is recommended on regular basis.