Cervical cancer is cancer which develops in a woman’s cervix. It causes when the cells of the uterus to grow unusually and affect other tissues and organs of the body. These abnormal changes generally occurred from HPV (human papillomavirus) virus. HPV 16 and HPV 18 caused 70% of cervical cancer.
Cervical Cancer Screening TestCervical Cancer develops gradually. This cancer founds among the women who are more than 35 years. Generally, it has not such symptoms in its early stage. When it is aggressive, this cancer affects the deeper tissues of the cervix and may have transmitted to other parts of the body like the lungs, liver, bladder, vagina, and rectum.
Risk of cervical cancer is more, if you are active in a sexual relationship, having sex with multiple sexual partners, and taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills) cancer because they lead to more significant exposure to HPV.
Human papillomavirus is a viral infection spreads through intimate skin to skin contact. It is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases which affects both men and women.
If you have vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has affected with this virus, there is a high risk of getting HPV. It mostly spreads during vaginal or anal sex.
In most cases, vaginal bleeding after having sex is considered one of the pivotal symptoms of cervical cancer. You may feel discomfort or pain during sex. Signs of cervical cancerlike unusual bleeding other than your expected monthly period even after menopause need to be noticeable.
As we have discussed earlier that cervical cancer has no such symptoms in the primary stage, you may not be worried about the above-mentioned symptoms; it might be occurred due to infection.
Cervical Cancer Screening TestExcessive Vaginal Bleeding
Most women experienced irregular bleeding, but they are not aware it might cause cervical cancer. If it occurs regularly do not neglect it could be an indicator of cervical cancer. Sometimes it happens due to other health issues like hormonal imbalance, pelvic inflammatory disease or infection.
As this cancer spreads to nearby tissues and creates abnormal tubes which break easily and cause bleeding. It generally happens during menstruation, after sexual intercourse.
Unusual Vaginal Discharge
If you experience more heavy, watery, brown or mixed with blood vaginal discharge, smells foul or has an irregular appearance, it could be a sign of infection or cervical or endometrial cancer. Don’t be late to report this issue to a doctor.
Pain during Intercourse
Painful intercourse is another significant sign of cervical cancer. This indicates advanced cervical cancer. If you are experiencing such, then chances are more cancer might spread throughout tissues and reproductive organs.
Discomfort while Urinating
If you have cervical cancer, you will feel discomfort during urination. Urinary troubles also occur due to burning, stinging or a tight sensation while urinating. When cancer has spread to nearby tissue, you experience such symptoms, consult a doctor as soon as possible and follow the treatment.
Constant and Frequent Pelvic Pain
Cramping and aches during the menstrual cycle are common among women, most of them are least aware of that is the pain lasts for the more extended period and frequently occurs it could be a sign of cervical cancer.
You may experience pelvic pain at unusual times due to cervical cancer. If you are feeling such, do not forget to consult your doctor to find out the exact cause.
Sudden Weight Loss
When someone has cancer, the immune system fails to work. Like other forms of cancer, if you have cervical cancer, unexplained weight loss is another significant symptom. If you are losing weight, suddenly it is advisable to get a medical checkup.