Signs and symptoms of penile cancer
Male Clinic

What is Penile Cancer?

Know About Penile Cancer? Malignant growth of skin or tissues of the penis. This is rare cancer. What causes penile cancer? The most common cause of penile cancer is exposure to chemicals. The other causes include sexually transmitted infections, especially the Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The risk factors for HPV infection are Age: Above 60 […]


regular health check-up

Why Health Checks are Important

Know Why Regular Health Checks are Important Nowadays, preventative health care is becoming mainstream as people become more educated and empowered about their own health. People are proactively seeking medical advice on leading a healthy lifestyle. To lower the risk of various conditions or diseases one has to maintain a healthy diet, weight, and level […]


symptoms of HIV & AIDS
HIV sexual problem

एचआईवी (ह्युमन इम्युनोडेफिशिएंसी वायरस) और एड्स (अधिग्रहित इम्यूनोडिफीसिअन्सी सिंड्रोम) क्या है?

ध्यान दे:- उपरोक्त लक्षण कुछ दिनों से लेकर कई हफ्तों तक रह सकते हैं। इस समय के दौरान, संक्रमण एचआईवी परीक्षण पर दिखाई नहीं दे सकता है, लेकिन जिन लोगों को यह होता है वे अत्यधिक संक्रामक होते हैं और यह दूसरे व्यक्ति तक भी फैला सकते हैं.
