What does STI mean
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are infections spread by sexual activity.

STIs are transmitted by vaginal intercourse, anal sex, oral sex, close skin to skin contact with an infected individual, sharing sex toys, coming in contact with infected secretions and so on.
Causative Organisms:
These can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites.
If you are sexually active then you are at risk of developing STD.
Can only vaginal sex causes STD?
If you have sexual contact, even if it vaginal, oral or anal, then you are at risk of developing STD.
The causes of STD can be any bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites or protozoa.
How do these organisms enter the body?
In STD, these organisms enter through sexual contact. It can be oral, vaginal or anal.
Some dangers of STD are infertility, premature and stillbirths, infant pneumonia, eye infections leading to blindness, and even death. Some STD can cause a type of cancer as well.
STI is a sexually transmitted infection and STD is a sexually transmitted disease.
STI means that infection in the body which does not show any symptom. So a person may have STI without his or her knowledge, becoming a carrier. This person may transmit a disease to another person by sexual contact.
Since STI has no symptoms, the best way to detect is to get the tests done. If you are sexually active then you and your sexual partner, both should get tested to eliminate the risk.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
There are two strains of the herpes virus: type 1 and type 2.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis B:
You should get tests done to protect yourself!
It is very important to get tests done for an accurate diagnosis because many times there are symptoms initially. Tests help to detect an infection at an early stage.
You should get tests done:
If you are sexually active and going to be active with a new partner.
If the sexual activity is oral, vaginal or anal
The time period, after sexual exposure, is the window period for the tests. That means you should get tests after these weeks:
2 weeks: gonorrhea and Chlamydia
1 week to 3 months: syphilis
6 weeks to 3 months: HIV, hepatitis C, and B