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India has a high prevalence of death due to cervical cancer. This is not because no cure is available but because there is no much awareness about this disorder among the public.

Also among those who are aware of such pervasiveness, there is slackness on the part of the women to undergo a simple pap smear test.


Who is at risk of cancer

Though only less than 1% of the population of women may seem to have contracted this deadly disease owing to its huge population a large number of women have tested positive for cervical cancer.

Alas, this positive test result was attained at a later stage of cancer when it got out of hand and the symptoms started showing and giving much trouble to the individuals.

Cervical Cancer Screening Test

Timely test needed

If these women had undergone the preventive tests like the HPV DNA test and the pap smear test on a regular basis that is at least once in a couple of years, the early signs of cancer would have been detected in most of the cases and would have even been cured of the infection on time.

Women who are sexually active and do not use contraception also those who have multiple partners should not avoid these tests. There is a high chance of contracting or spread of this disease in these group of women.

Advisable to take a test

So the simple query should every woman get tested for cervical cancer, the answer is a big yes. Even if you have protected sex though the chance is minimal there is nothing wrong in undergoing a simple pap smear test. A timely checkup can let you know if you are in the precancerous stage.

If tested positive for the same you could be given the timely treatment required according to the spread of the infection and its stage. This can prevent so many lives and the breakup of so many families.

When a woman is affected by cancer the family is put to so much of trouble not to talk about the financial woes. The preventive tests mentioned above will not cost much compared to the advanced treatment you would have to undergo if tested positive for cancer.

Also you the housewife are risking your life along with the peace of mind of the family that is dependent on you for looking after the day to day affairs of running the home.

So much is at stake when a woman suffers from some deadly disease. So not only the women but even the men should make it a point to make sure that the women of their family have undergone the cancer screening test. Also, there is a need to spread awareness of the same among all the people in the urban and rural areas.

Overcome the risk with ease

All women who are adults and are active sexually are most prone to contact this infection. So it is advisable to get yourself screened as and when your doctor advises you. Indeed, opening up about your bedroom life which is discussed only in privacy to some doctor who you are not much familiar may not be easy.

So you may not be able to know whether you need to take the tests. If this is the case why not consult an online consultant on Drsafehands, an online portal that gives advice on all the medical issues confidentially? Doing so you will be given proper guidance as what your next step should be. Following this up diligently you will be in good health soon.

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Author: DrSafeHands

DrSafeHands is India’s leading digital health platform for sexual health and mental health. We offer confidential support by caring doctors and healthcare professionals. For anyone in need, we are just one call away.

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