How things work at DrSafeHands
Frequent Questions
Really, we get asked this often.
We get asked these questions a lot, so we made this small section for quick help. If you need further assistance please Call/WA at +91-9013 161616
How do I book my tests?
The process is very simple, you can either book a test on the website, get on a live chat (chat icon at the bottom right corner) or Call/ WhatsApp at 9013 161616 / 9013 262626 for immediate support.
Can I speak with a doctor before/after I test ?
Of course. You just need to call/ WA at 9013161616 / 9013262626 . Your queries will be addressed by a counselor. They will connect you with a doctor in minutes , should you need further help. As you get the reports, our certified doctor shall call and give you a detailed analysis of each parameter. Our doctors are also available online and offline (in select cities), should you need further care.
Why should I take service from DrSafeHands ?
DrSafeHands are the pioneers in the sexual and mental health-tech domain. We have grown and spread across India powered by the trust and affection of our users. We are proud of our most caring and non-judgmental staff and doctors.
How trustworthy are your labs ?
All our partner labs are state of the art national level diagnostic/ referral labs in the country. Each lab is duly verified by DrSafeHands and carries NABL/CAP/ISO certification. Should you ever have any queries, we shall be happy to connect you with the QA manager of the testing lab.
Are my tests confidential ?
Absolutely. You may get tested anonymously, too. We do not need your real name. No hard copies of the reports are generated. The person who takes your sample has no access to the reports.
How do I get my reports ?
As soon as your report is ready, you will get an email with a link to download your reports. You will need to enter your order id number to download the reports. This ensures that no one but you can access the reports. If you have any issue in downloading, just call/WA at 9013 161616