Treatment For Different Types Of Stds


STDs, or sexually transmitted diseases, are very common ailments. With timely detection, most of these can be easily treated or managed. Following are some common STDs.

    • HIV / AIDS: There is currently no cure for HIV. Treatments can stop the progression of the condition and allow most people living with HIV the opportunity to live a long and relatively healthy life.


    • Chlamydia: This is the most common, and also the easiest to treat, STD. Chlamydia is usually fully cured by a single course of antibiotics.


    • Syphilis: The treatment of Syphilis depends on the stage of the infection. In the early stages, medications such as penicillin are generally sufficient to cure it. In later stages, however, the treatment can be difficult, and the damage done to the body is often irreversible.


    • Gonorrhea: Just like Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, too, can be easily treated by a course of antibiotics.


    • HSV-1 or oral herpes:  Affects mainly the mouth/lips and spreads by sharing utensils, toothbrushes, cosmetics specifically lipsticks or kissing an infected individual. No permanent cure but medications can control the troubling symptoms. It affects mainly the mouth/lips and spreads by sharing utensils, toothbrushes, cosmetics specifically lipsticks or kissing an infected individual. No permanent cure but medications can control the troubling symptoms.

    • HSV-1 or oral herpes: HSV-2 or genital herpes is the naughtier one affecting the genitals/rectum and spreads by sexual contact. No permanent cure but medications can control the troubling symptoms.

    • Hepatitis B and C: Acute cases of hepatitis can be managed by medications, but the chronic ones stay on forever, with the virus persisting in the body. This can cause damage to the liver. Therefore, even in chronic cases, medication is still necessary to prevent further damage.


    • Scabies and Pubic Lice: These are among the simplest-to-treat infections, which can be easily washed off by medicated shampoos or body washes.


    • Human Papilloma Virus: There is no definite cure for this viral disease. Genital warts may shed off, by themselves, or can also be removed by various methods, like applying medications, or by freezing warts, or also by electro-surgery. The removal of warts does necessarily not mean the infection is eradicated, however, and the affected individual may still be a potential source of transmitting the infection to his / her partner. Besides, HPV can also recur later in life, and lead to cervical cancer. The anti-HPV vaccine is therefore recommended for sexually active age groups, as a preventive measure.


    Important Points to Remember:

    • Even in the absence of symptoms, diagnostic tests should be performed since STDs may not show signs or symptoms for many weeks to many months. Early diagnosis leads to cure and prevents possible future complications.

    • Treatment of both partners, together, is necessary, to clear off the infection in totality.

    • The success of any treatment depends on several factors, such as the age of the patient, overall health status, level of immunity, type of virus, viral load, the severity of infection etc.

    • A healthy and nutritious diet should be taken, to help the body cope better.


Book your Test Now:  HIV STD panel test


Author: DrSafeHands

DrSafeHands is India’s leading digital health platform for sexual health and mental health. We offer confidential support by caring doctors and healthcare professionals. For anyone in need, we are just one call away.

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