Birthing is a beautiful, natural, responsible and an ecstatic act where life begets life. It’s is the most beautiful expression of womanhood and celebrates one’s “being a woman.” Unfortunately, our society questions that too? The piece I will recite just encompasses the trials and tribulations, women undergo since ages and times immemorial the subtle societal changes which are somewhat visible now and these become “the moments” that need to be celebrated.
The poem: Divine Pain
She whiz passes the same crowded lane,
At the crack of dawn with the whining pain.
Holding her hand, and not beholding her face,
The world walks beside her with a sullen, lowered gaze,
Soaked in thoughts, as if, trapped, as if, in a convoluted maze.
It is the umpteenth time, her being woman,’ is yet again at stake;
Will she be blessed? Her legacy is intact. Will she get her heavens back?
Stupefied, half alive, in half daze is she
Harbinger of hope? Or the curse of destiny?
Voices she hears loud, reverberating in the air.
Will God be kind? Will we get an heir?
She lies low, doubled in pain, her body all ears,
Just a bundle of hope, drenched in a pool of tears.
The womb, weak with pain, limp, numb and coy
Ready to explode, dunno, with some sorrow or some joy??
Silence shrieks aloud, just a moment it’s about…….
Is it sorrow? Is it joy?
Tell me for once. Is it a girl or is it a boy?
Ethereal, ephemeral that true moment is there!!!
Tell me for once. Did we get an heir? Tell me for once. Did we get an heir?
At that moment, descending on the nether is some honeydew,
Pulsating, shiny head with that same beautiful hue,
Small palms, tiny feet, the fingers entwined,
The angelic smile and the large limpid eyes
The sound, the light, the laughter, the din,
All settle down, just a gloomy resonance within.
And then the same words slip down the corners of the lips with a quiver,
Did we get an heir? Tell us for once? Did we get an heir?
The silence so loud, no words to hear, the glistening eyes with drops of tear
Are signs enough for that pain to forbear, oh !! God, you aren’t kind, We didn’t get an heir?
The heaving, womb with ruptures and an abating breath, lies waiting for only the heavens to cheer !!!
No trepidation, no fear, no qualms, no worries, no tumult, no clamor, just a sheen of light, amidst the halo of the beckoning future
You all got a girl!! You got an heir! God has been kind!! You got an heir!
She tosses the question, just one more time, in the bright breezy air and hears a voice so lucid, so clear,
Tell the world, tell them all, we have all got an heir
Morrow comes, we see her again the ground beneath her feet
Whistles blew, the “dangal” won, the brawn just see her retreat
And as the world just stand around and paradise brought just a little low
A sea of change, with tides so high, is ready to take the heavenly bow……………
Author: Dr. Zeenat Iqbal
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