After marriage every couple wishes to have at least one offspring. However sadly there are a few couples who are not able to have this blessing. The fault then may lie with the husband, the wife or both. It may be a physical or mental issue. This needs to be sorted out before placing the blame on anyone. Unfortunately, most of the time it is the woman who faces the wrath and insults of others and is chided for this. Actually this adds to the woes.
Seek medical help soon
In modern times it is also found that stress levels of people are increasing and one of the fallout of this is not being able to conceive. This mental issue can be resolved by taking some therapeutic sessions under medical guidance. For any physical issue specialists who deal with sexual functions need to be approached.
A couple not wishing to have a child may use some protective measures. But the one who wishes to bear a child and is not able to conceive within a couple of years of marriage should consider it a serious issue and seek medical advice. Yes, people are wont to resort to this as the last step after trying others like attempting home remedies, approaching some faith healers or quacks or some such.
In fact, consulting an expert like an andrologist for the husband and a gynecologist for the wife is the best approach in such a scenario. And this step should be taken as soon as possible to know the real reason for non-conception of the couple. There may be several tests done for both the husband and wife. Later some treatment plans will be doled out on the basis of the tests.
Home test in privacy
In case the husband feels a little apprehensive he can take the help of the home medical kit to test the sperm count. This is safe and also most accurate. Usually, low sperm count in men is one of the major causes for infertility but men hesitate to seek medical advice on this. This YO sperm kit from DrSafehands helps you conduct such a test in the privacy of your home. The results can be availed on your mobile phone screen.
To know more about this kit you can go through the link https://drsafehands.com/home-sperm-test. Then you can even chat with one of the experts on this site and seek medical help if needed too. This way you can get help and soon you may be able to go the family way.
Book your Kit Now: Home Sperm Test