- Unprotected sex with an infected individual
- Sharing infected needles, syringes or blades
- Mother to child transmission
- Gay relationship
- Unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners
- Sharing sex toys
As STDs do not always manifest signs and symptoms, it is advisable to screen and test all suspected patients to prevent spread and initiate treatment at the earliest.
A comprehensive blood test to check for all the 3 viruses- Hep B, Hep C, and HIV is recommended followed by liver function tests, viral load tests etc.
Sexual abstinence or using condoms for every sexual act is the surest way of preventing these viruses. However, administering the Hepatitis vaccine also offers protection against deadly diseases. Hepatitis B vaccine is readily available at the medical centers and hospitals.
Combination antiretroviral therapy depending upon the severity of co-infection has been effective in curbing the diseases to an extent. The success of any treatment depends on various factors such as the age of the patient, type of virus, viral load, severity of damage caused, etc.
Book STD Package Plus Book H3T profile