Like a lot of young mothers, I have been a victim of backache for a long time. Running after kids, doing daily errands, long cooking hours take a toll on one’s health and I was no exception. Doctor had advised me mild exercises but I never got the time.
Luckily, my family has been very caring and co-operative especially during my times of pain. My son used to massage while my daughter prepared the hot water bottle for me. My husband tried to help with the housework as and when he could.
But due to this back problem, I had started loathing intimacy in the bedroom.
“I can’t take any risk lest my spine might get badly injured” , I explained to Sid.
He understood most of the time but we both knew that a permanent solution had to be reached. So one night, we decided to give it a try.
“I will be as gentle as I can”, Sid promised.
And as a true gentleman, he kept his promise.
Surprisingly, I woke up exceptionally fresh the next morning. I was actually feeling healthier than usual. My back seemed much better and so was my mood.It was unbelievable.
To quench my curiosity, I researched about it and learnt that sex can actually be therapeutic. It releases some hormones called endorphin’s which have pain-killing properties. These endorphin’s have been proven to soothe nerve cells and increase our pain tolerance level by about 75-80%.In addition to that, they are also stress busters and immunity boosters. Whoa!! I never knew that!
Another hormone released during sexual activity is oxytocin which helps in emotional bonding as well as reducing pain. Together these two hormones can reduce depression and relieve headache or migraines, joint pains etc. Moreover, the sexual act burns calories and protects against heart diseases.
It is more beneficial for females as regular intimate acts produce higher levels of estrogen giving them a younger looking, smoother and glowing skin. No need of any anti-aging or beauty enhancing cream now!
I shared the information with Sid and he was more than delighted. What more does a loving couple need?
Author: Dr. Nidhi Jhamb