As it is well quoted by Dave Maurer “A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”
Every story is different and inimitable; marriage is full of love, respect, truth, freedom, exchange blows, disagreements, cries, and much more. Your marriage is one of the most valuable relationships.
The triumph of any marriage depends upon sharing and loving your loved ones; here are few tips to bring back that spark and love into a marriage:
- Talk to your partner; it is the preeminent tool for a healthy marriage. Try to have open communication.
- Respect each other’s feelings, choices, emotions, utilities, and desires.
- Complement each other; pamper each other from time to time.
- Never hesitate to say “I LOVE YOU”. Sometimes you need to show your love to assure that you still love him/her.
- Go to bed together. Talk about daily actions. It helps in building a connection.
- Be open, talk about sex; it is one of the most integral parts of marriage. If you are unhappy or not satisfied with your sex life; do consider taking professional help.
- End an argument with an apology. You understand the importance of marriage, and saying sorry after a stupid fight can save a lot more damage that happens in the brawl.
- Enjoy each other’s hobbies, spend time with each other. Sometimes an emotional connect brings back the lost love in the marriage.
- Do not ever play a blame game; do not do comparisons with others, all this add fuel to fire.
Few small gestures can completely transform your life, all you need to do is “LOVE” “CHERISH” “BELIEVE” “DESIRE” and “RESPECT” your spouse!! Stay happy, Live happy!!
Author: DrSafeHands editorial team
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