To the youthful heart the thought of embracing love is akin to a celebration. The heart dreams of entering a relational world where romance is the perfume.

When in love, you expect to enjoy your relationship and you expect to be ready for every obstacle. But are you really ready to embrace love?

What do you have to offer for love?

Love isn’t all about you. It is a matter of two people. If you desire to enter into a romantic relationship you have to introspect what you possess and what you can offer your partner.

You partner could desire: your time and attention; your ability to communicate emotional gestures;your interest in his/her life and feelings; finance for outings/gifts and your loyalty/sexual fidelity.

Before you embrace love, ask yourself whether you are able to meet these requirements. If you walk unprepared into a relationship you may expect discord at the very outset of your love journey.

Do you know your love expectations?

Love is expressed through varied kinds of relationships. You are free to choose your style but make up your mind before the ‘commitment question’ catches you unaware. What are you looking for in love?

Whether you’re looking for a casual fling, a no-strings-attached encounter, a stable relationship or a committed relationship, make sure you communicate your expectations at the beginning itself.

Beware that love is subjective;if you are not clear about what you want,your partner will read into your actions, intentions you never meant. If you drift with the flow of love only to realize at the end that you weren’t ready for commitment, your love journey will have a messy end.

What are the roadblocks to your love?

You may desire many things to enrich your relationship but every love story has roadblocks. It could be your career aspirations, personal attributes, family responsibilities; notions about marriage/live-in relationships or aspects of your social/religious context.

Make a mental note of the roadblocks to your love. Your earlier experiences can provide insight into the personal hindrances you face.Weigh your roadblocks before you decide to commit fully. Being forearmed is a better choice.

Do you have relationship residues?

It is a psychological fact that individuals carry notions of intimate relationships from their past into their current relationship. The foremost notions stem from their parents’ marital relationship. Other impressions develop from real experiences or from observation of others’ relationships.

If you are not aware of your unresolved issues regarding intimate relationships you may unintentionally bring them into your current love life. Therefore, you must ensure that any relationship residues are resolved before you embrace your new love.

Embracing spontaneous love is one matter but enjoying long lasting love comes from preparedness and active involvement in your love life.

Author: Shirley Menezes (DSH Team)

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