Watching pornography is often considered ‘normal’ among younger men and usually isn’t given a second thought. A study suggested that around 64-70 percent of men watch pornography on a regular basis. While watching porn occasionally is not conclusively harmful, making pornography your ‘go-to’ every time you feel the urge to have sex or stimulate yourself, is doing more damage than you think.

This is primarily because porn features a number of unrealistic scenarios and disproportionate body types – right from abnormally curvy body shapes of women, unrealistic breast sizes as well as penis sizes, and incorrect portrayals about the act of sex. These scenarios deviate significantly from everyday life leading to numerous unexpected issues.
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Porn Addiction Is Spoiling Your Sex Life With Your Partner!
Your addiction or dependence on porn could lead to various issues that manifest in many different ways. Let’s have a look at some potential issues caused by porn addiction:
1) Unrealistic expectations from your partner

Excessive consumption of porn can lead to you having unrealistic expectations from your partner. Men who watch women in their prime performing perfectly orchestrated sexual acts online, begin expecting that their partners also master the same art. They tend to expect their partners to fulfill every fantasy or ‘kink’ that they’ve discovered online.
Not all women would be comfortable participating in certain sexual acts, which is often negatively viewed by men who see plenty of women effortlessly engaging in the same acts online. This expectation mismatch gives rise to needless resentment among men and affects their relationship with their partners.
2) Partner Attractiveness

Porn often leads to the objectification of your partner. Men who see women performing sexual acts, often start fantasizing about sleeping with the women that they are viewing. If the women they see online are more attractive than their partners, they begin finding their partners less attractive. Often, such men visualize the women they’ve viewed online while making love with their partners.
Also, men can easily view thousands of different people online to satisfy their sexual urges. This leads to a habit of craving ‘new’ sexual partners and hunting for ‘variety.’ These urges often end up with men cheating on their partners, damaging trust and intimacy in the relationship.
3) Porn & Erectile Dysfunction

With unrealistic expectations built up, males find it difficult to get turned on by their existing partners. The lack of avenues to have ‘engaging’ and ‘exciting’ sex they’ve viewed online fills them with disappointment. They begin to lose interest in sex with their partners. Even when they do have sex, they find it difficult to maintain their erections.
Rising cases of ED globally are a testament to the fact that excessive viewing of porn leads to desensitizing a man towards sex and he no longer gets aroused by ordinary sexual encounters.
4) Mess up your dopamine levels

Porn consumption tends to give an unrealistic spike to a man’s dopamine levels. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good.
Consuming porn leads to a sharp release of dopamine levels. Thereafter, your brain is unable to release dopamine naturally in normal sexual situations. This causes many men to lose interest in sex with their partners as they do not feel aroused. Many men are subsequently unable to orgasm while having sex with their partners as they are not as excited as they used to be during the act of sex.
5) Hyper-sexuality

Porn can also make one addicted to sex. Watching porn repeatedly where the women you fantasize about fulfill all your sexual kinks makes you addicted to constantly thinking about sex.
This desire to have sex manifests in demanding too much sex from your partner or looking for avenues where you can have sex outside the relationship.
Addiction to porn has a number of negative consequences. Affection towards your partner is replaced by an unrealistic expectation to constantly engage in the mechanical act of sex with the end goal of orgasm.
Some couples do tend to watch porn together to spice up their sex lives. While that is perfectly okay, it is important to remember that porn is an unrealistic representation of sex and neither the act nor the physical attributes of the actors involved should be compared to real life.
DrSafeHands provides confidential testing, consulting, treatment as well as counseling for a number of sexual ailments and mental health problems. If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with one of our well-qualified and trained doctors.
For support or more information, visit: www.drsafehands.com
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