Online mental health counseling
Mental Health

From Struggle to Triumph: Stories of Healing in Mental Health Counseling

Mental health struggles are a universal experience that can leave individuals feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and devoid of hope. However, amidst the darkness, there is a glimmer of light: mental health counseling. This blog explores the transformative power of counseling by delving into inspiring stories of individuals who have triumphed over their mental health challenges. Through […]


Mental Health


What is Adjustment Disorder Changes occur in everyone’s life, whether they are positive or negative, and taking the changes in our stride and adjusting ourselves to them is what life teaches us. It’s when the body fails to accept the change and make the necessary adjustments, problems start creeping in. Adjustment Disorder is one such […]


Somatoform Disorders
Mental Health

Somatoform Disorders: Agonies without an identifiable cause

What are Somatoform Disorders Somatoform disorders, also known as Psychosomatic disorders, refer to a psychological condition wherein a patient experiences somatic or physical symptoms for which no medical cause can be identified. Usually, when the mind is under stress, a person experiences certain bodily discomfort or symptoms such as palpitations, pain in the chest, sweating, […]


Dissociative Identity Disorder
Mental Health

Split personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder

Split personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder As the term indicates, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a type of psychological disorder wherein an individual dissociates themselves from the real identity. There is disconnection with the patient’s thoughts or actions that most commonly, occurs due to extreme or repetitive trauma at an early age. The trauma could […]


Online mental health counseling
Mental Health

Online mental health counseling for depression and anxiety

Mental health is a serious problem prevailing in India with approx. 200 million people affected every year. Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health disorders. Depression is typically characterized by low energy and mood, low self-esteem, and loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. It causes unnecessary suffering and severe depression […]
