What does STI mean Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are infections spread by sexual activity.
What does STI mean Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), are infections spread by sexual activity.
Hepatitis B is an infectious type of hepatitis caused by the hepatitis b virus also called HBV. There can be two types of Hepatitis B infection which can occur in any individual and they are Acute Hepatitis B: this type of infection can be termed as a recent infection. The window period for the symptoms to […]
Test for HIV in India There are different ways, in which HIV can be tested, 1. Antibody Screening Tests In this test, the antibodies produced against the HIV viruses are detected. These tests can be done after 6 weeks of exposure. These are 99 % accurate if done after the window period. 2. Antibody/Antigen Combination […]
If you have had unprotected sex, and afterward start observing some menstrual changes in your cycle, then get yourself tested for HIV Test straightaway. Why may you ask? Well, read this: When the HIV virus starts proliferating in the body, its first target is the immune system. The immunity is compromised, and this, in turn, affects the hormonal levels. In women, even a slight change in estrogen and […]
I am a young lady, an HIV positive young lady. I am unfazed by my infection and live life to the fullest. Perhaps, I lead a more fulfilling life than “normal people”. I understand life and appreciate life much better than anyone else. I am all of 24 years old. I was diagnosed with HIV […]
Though a lot has been said and written about HIV/AIDS, what many people are not aware of is the fact that the other two STDs- Hepatitis B and C are equally deadly, if not more. In addition to making one prone to HIV infection, hepatitis itself is a rapidly progressing and fatal disease. Chronic hepatitis […]
Sexual abstinence or non–indulgence into sex voluntarily is the latest trend amongst young adults these days. As much as youngsters are believed to be inclined towards sexual activities, studies indicate the number of adolescents adopting abstinence have been increasing drastically. Sexual abstinence ranges from non-participation in vaginal intercourse to complete avoidance of all sorts of […]
Less talked about but very commonly dreamt, sexual dreams play an important role in one’s life. Although discussing sex even in sleep could be embarrassing for certain individuals, their actual interpretation is far from sexuality. Having sex in your dreams usually denotes an emotional liking or attraction towards the personality traits of the person you […]
The swine flu virus (H1N1) is on the rise again. With common flu-like symptoms such as fever, sore throat, cold, etc, swine flu requires more attention. This is because it may cause complications in the very young, the elderly, those with chronic medical conditions like diabetes, asthma, chronic bronchitis and individuals with low immunity. Dos and Don’ts: […]
What is Cervical Cancer? The cervix is the lower and narrow end of the uterus; it connects the vagina (the birth canal) to the superior part of the uterus. The uncontrolled growth of cells in this region is termed as cervical cancer. Cervical cancer can be treated when found early by doing a simple test […]